Urban Nature: From Plan to Action

UNPplus and NBRACER go to Aalborg 2024 - Urban Nature: From Plan to Action

The integration of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) into frameworks furthering the sustainable development of the planet is essential. They are powerful tools in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, and can have a measurable impact on human and environmental health. By working with communities to design and implement NbS interventions, it is possible to ensure a fairer and more effective approach to the sustainable development of the future. Cities are at the forefront of this work. 


One tool has already been highlighted by the EU in multiple strategies and pieces of legislation: the Urban Nature Plan (UNP) Framework. Want to learn what this framework could do for your city? 


Then come to our interactive session entitled "Urban Nature: From Plan to Action" at the 10th Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns in Aalborg on 1-3 October 2024. In this session, participants will work directly with cities to review the UNP framework and the draft UNP self-assessment, seeing it in action in different contexts.

Why should you attend?

This interactive session will bring together different stakeholders to discuss enablers and barriers to integrating nature-based solutions into cities, and will explore how the UNP framework can help. This session is for anyone interested in bringing existing plans into alignment in order to further urban resilience and health, and restore and protect biodiversity. 

What will you learn?

You will learn about the UNP development process, gaining insight from cities that already have experience with the process. Furthermore, there will be the opportunity to hear from cities that have not yet worked with the framework, as they reflect on how the framework might be integrated into their ongoing NbS work. 


Don't miss this opportunity to participate in an event that promises to inspire and empower. Come to Aalborg, join our session and take the first step towards understanding how UNPs can help build a sustainable future. Register here!

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